
April 16, 2021

Fix Livewire Bref cache error on AWS

You have possibly seen this error message here: There's an easy fix for this. You just have to set the manifest_path in your config/livewire.php file to...

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January 21, 2021

Combating "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated" followed by XMLHttpRequest exception in Pimcore

After enabling Content Security Policy headers for a pimcore instance the backend didn't work like it did before anymore. These were the settings that I added initially that caused the backend to...

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January 15, 2021

Redirect Pimcore logs to php://stderr or php://stdout

You can redirect the log output of Pimcore if you are working with docker or likewise to php://stderr or php://stdout by appending the following snippet to your app/config/config.yml...

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January 14, 2021

Trigger Pimcore class rebuild from controller

It's pretty easy to call CLI commands from within your Pimcore controllers. In my case I wanted to rebuild the Pimcore data object classes after deploying to a system where I had no SSH access to....

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